Coupon Code Swap$wap, $hop and $ave!

10% off

This FreeTaxUSA coupon code offer can be used to save 10% on any of the online tax filing options. Currently, the discount works for FreeTaxUSA Deluxe and State returns for 2020. The offer should also work for previous year tax returns, although we did not test for those. When you have complete your tax return and are ready to pay, enter the coupon code for FreeTaxUSA and the savings will be given for any eligible product purchase. FreeTaxUSA coupon codes can only be used when you complete your purchase online. You may not sell, purchase or transfer any offers for FreeTaxUSA. And, this discount may not be combined with any other offers, special promotions, pricing programs or other coupon codes for FreeTaxUSA. It looks like the this promotion is evergreen and you should be able to access the savings until at least December 31, 2022.

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